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The project is a conceptual map of how algorithms plays a huge role in game of cricket. It uses linear programming, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms and PageRank algorithm to build a strong fantasy team, calculate winning chances, implemented Duck Worth Lewis, helps selectors in team selection and find do an unbiased Man of the Match Selection. It uses python and cpp programing languages

Maximum Bipartite Matching

Let us say i have 7 batters, these 7 are the best in the nation so i want to play all of them. I have 7 positions in the team, each batter has his own prefernce that is he wants to play at a certain position. Using Maximum Bipartite Matching it would be easy to determine if the players would be able to play. That every position must have a single batsman

Greedy won’t work

This is an example, right now i have taken info about five players.

If we go greedy, that is i will move from 1st player to 5th player and for each player i would select the first position that is available.

In that case:

But the optimum answer would be:

This can be solved by Using Ford Fulkerson Algorithm for max flow.

We would need to change the graph a bit, we will add a dummy source and sink node, a source node will have outgoing edge to all the players and sink will have an incoming edge from all the positions.

The graph would look like:

Here an edge can have 2 values that is either 1 or 0. 1 meaning the batsman is going to play at that position, 0 meaning the opposite. We would apply Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm for max flow between Source and Sink which will give us our desired outcome.

Ford - Fulkerson Psuedo code

  1. Set Total flow equal to 0
  2. Repeat the below steps till we have a valid path from source s to sink t
    1. Run depth first search to find the path from s to t
    2. Let the minimum capacity value on the path be f
    3. Add f to the total flow
  3. On this path for every edge we need to do
    1. Decrease capacity of edge u->v by f
    2. Increase capacity of edge v->u by f


    int sent = dfs(s,t,LARGE_NUMBER);
    while (sent >0) {
        max_flow += sent;
        memset(visited, 0, sizeof(visited));
        sent = dfs(s,t,LARGE_NUMBER);

    // the dfs function is
    int dfs(int s, int t, int minimum) {
    visited[s] = true;
    if (s == t)
        return minimum;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        int flow_capacity = graph[s][i] - Flow[s][i];
        if (!visited[i] && flow_capacity > 0) {
            if (int sent = dfs (i, t, min (minimum, flow_capacity))) {
                Flow[s][i] += sent;
                Flow[i][s] -= sent;
                return sent;
    return false;